Dave Winer: Andrew wants a home page

OK. At this point I’m now officially confused by the Dave Winer road-map / strategy. I’m sure it’s evolving and exploratory. But Dave’s productivity means that I’m no longer keeping up with how this is meant to go down. So we had an outliner. (Fargo). And then an open-sourced version of the editor (Yay! Concord). …

Fargo and Google

Couple of quick notes : 1) I’m too dependent on Google. Unlike the case of Facebook, I can’t just cancel my account. Google is too deeply entwined with my life. But I am taking steps to disengage if not 100% at least a significant chunk. 2) I’m playing around a bit more with Dave Winer’s …

Social Media 2012

My comment on Alex’s blog : Well, you already know but I still think wiki has a future, as pointed to by Smallest Federated Wiki. There are some flaws / issues with SFW, mainly I think because not enough people are working on it, but it’s still the signpost for how wiki could evolve.  Would …