Several years late, it seems M$ is considering making Python native to Excel. I wrote a … you guessed it … Quora answer as to why this makes sense for Microsoft. Python has become massively popular with the data and machine learning communities in the last few years. Tools like JuPyter are increasingly popular and …
Monthly Archives: August 2018
Gmail Snooze
Is GMail Snooze basically building Mind Traffic Control into your email client? Well, it’s about time Google did something radical to improve GMail. There’s still so much untapped potential in the mail-box. And at least email is an open protocol that we should defend against moving to walled rivers like Facebook and Slack etc.
Working with the file system is too verbose. Let's make it more like JQuery!
Working with the file system in Python is too verbose. Seriously. Every time I want to do something with files I need to remember whether it’s the os or sys library that I need to import. I need to remember or look up half a dozen other functions to grab particular bits of metadata from …
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A Replacement for PHP
I asked Quora for ideas for how a replacement PHP might look. On the whole people are not enthusiastic. Alexander Tchitchigin had an interesting answer, but which focused on the basic theme of “once we move away from PHP’s weaknesses, we might as well use any language. Which prompted me to write this comment elaborating …
August is Patterning Month
August is Patterning month again. I’m back to work on the Patterning library. And, in particular, getting it working properly in the ClojureScript, in-browser version. I’m going to be using devcards, figwheel, spec and other good tools in the Clojure community. I’ll be revamping the site and new versions of the code. Watch this space …