Tag: walled river
Tablets for Content Creation
Source: Thread by @interstar: @msimoni @coreload I think the tablet COULD be a perfectly good device for content creation if people would just do the damned UI design wor… Another part of the thread. Manuel Simoni (@msimoni) says : But I don’t want a file system, I want Xanadu. But it should still be editable…
Gmail Snooze
Is GMail Snooze basically building Mind Traffic Control into your email client? Well, it’s about time Google did something radical to improve GMail. There’s still so much untapped potential in the mail-box. And at least email is an open protocol that we should defend against moving to walled rivers like Facebook and Slack etc.
Fargo and Google
Couple of quick notes : 1) I’m too dependent on Google. Unlike the case of Facebook, I can’t just cancel my account. Google is too deeply entwined with my life. But I am taking steps to disengage if not 100% at least a significant chunk. 2) I’m playing around a bit more with Dave Winer’s…
Walled River
Apple join the war against RSS. We need to defend the principle of a platform independent / open feed of news items from all the companies like Facebook, Twitter, Google and Apple who have seen the future as feeds insided their own proprietory walled “gardens”. Not sure if a garden is the right metaphor for…