Month: August 2020

  • Cardigan-Bay Early 0.0.3

    Cardigan Bay development is slow, but continuing. It’s starting to look a bit more respectable (I’m so NOT a CSS programmer, but I have to do something) Get the latest : Release Cardigan-Bay Early 0.0.3 ยท interstar/cardigan-bay This release is largely just bug fixes and cleaning up the UI etc. But that makes a massive…

  • Carp: A statically typed Lisp, without a GC, for real-time applications.

    This looks rather good. Carp: A statically typed lisp, without a GC, for real-time applications. It is what it says. It’s a Lisp, with some inspiration from Clojure in terms of syntax, that’s designed for writing fast native code like games and … (w00t!) audio applications. Etc. It actually compiles into C. It takes some…