Month: January 2009

  • I love micro unit testing frameworks like Minunit. Turns out you can do something even simpler with Erlang.

  • Chrome Server looks interesting. Hat-tip Zby.

  • Bruce Eckel on Grass Farming Update : (Hat-tip Folknology) Michael Pollan talk at TED Update 2 : I wonder, actually, if “grass farming” could be the new “pattern languages”? What I mean is, patterns gave us a new way of thinking about the architecture of large software systems, and in particular thinking about their dynamics.…

  • Dave Winer back on Instant Outlining. Would certainly be interesting if there was some movement on this. And some development of the OPML outliner in this direction.

  • Ian Bicking on Python and Woonerf. A new pattern?

  • Scribe is searching for “Harmonious Technology”.

  • This is possibly the best StackOverflow thread ever (on the quirks of Python closures)

  • Balsamiq looks cute.

  • TurboGears on Application Engine

  • As well as playing with Django, I’m also interested in this MPS tutorial.