Month: June 2015

  • Why do IDEs get criticized so much?

    My Quora answer : Simon Kinahan‘s answer is good, though I think he’s over-emphasizing the snobbery aspect. What’s definitely true is that IDEs are often not particularly optimized for the application you want to write. And often they’re optimized for the application you DON’T want to write. This is particularly true as, like most user-facing…

  • WebAssembly

    The browser keeps evolving to become a more comprehensive platform, operating system. WebAssembly is a new proposed standard bytecode that the major browser-makers are committing to support. It will interop with javascript (I believe) and HTML5 APIs, and is intended as a compile-target for other languages. More information here.

  • Yahoo Pipes Blog – Pipes End-of-life Announcement

    So Yahoo Pipes is closing down. As of August 30th 2015, users will no longer be able to create new Pipes. The Pipes team will keep the infrastructure running until end of September 30th 2015 in a read-only mode. You can download your Pipe definition by specifying your Pipe-ID (_id) and the output format (_out=json)…