Month: September 2005

  • OPML inclusions in the gutter.

  • There’s a discussion going on at John Robb’s Weblog about Web 2.0 I got inspired to write a couple of long comments. The first is about what I think Web 2.0 is a response to John’s request “What are the 3 big themes that undergird the upgrade?” : open data . You open whatever data…

  • JotSpot reorients itself

  • Good article on wikipedia

  • The slightly breathless Trendwatching has a round-up of Minipreneurs.

  • Creating Passionate Users: You can out-spend or out-teach

  • Quick bit of market research. Anyone reading this who uses SdiDesk? Anyone? Anyone at all? Anyone actually reading this? Ah well … (sigh) If someone was reading this. And they did use SdiDesk. I’d ask these questions : What kind of info do you keep in it? What features do you find useful? What functions…

  • PocketMod version 0.3 beta

  • Bloody hell! Spammers have caught up with the wiki. WikiMinion is fighting them off, but this isn’t good.

  • Good post. Why Good Programmers Are Lazy and Dumb Basically following the three Perl virtues : laziness, impatience and hubris. Remember, these are all virtues as long as they’re not false laziness, false impatience, and false impatience 🙂