Month: March 2014
Gates of Dawn Update
I’ve gone back to doing some work on Gates of Dawn, my terse Python library for creating PureData patches. The idea here is I want to make synthesizers in PD but I don’t particularly like drawing boxes and connectors using the clunky UI. Here’s a brief overview from the Readme file. Showing some simple code…
Emacs Rocks!
I should really start watching these Emacs Rocks! videos.
Why is UNIX better for programming?
My Quora Answer : In practice, there are only two operating systems today with any real traction : Unix (including Linux, BSD, Android, MacOS etc.) and Windows. And from my point of view, Windows has two fundamental problems : 1) A lousy command-line terminal environment that a) doesn’t work in the “conventional” way that Unix…
A Conversation with Alan Kay
A Conversation with Alan Kay – ACM Queue. Well worth reading.
New Scripting News
Dave Winer has revamped Scripting News yet again. More new Fargo / Trex goodness behind the scenes I’m guessing. Fine tuning the platform.
Ian Bicking on "Where Smalltalk Went Wrong"
He’s basically right.
Lisping is a Lisp development environment for touch-screens on iOS. The author describes the lessons learned from developing it.
Learn You a Haskell 4 – Questions
Asking questions on StackOverflow : Haskell : Using defined data types in other data types. Haskell : Attaching Optional Attributes