Month: February 2013

  • Mind Traffic Control

    If you haven’t looked at Mind Traffic Control recently (and I know YOU haven’t, because I see the logs), then you may be surprised. Just saying … 🙂

  • Personal Question

    Question : Hey Phil, do you actually do any programming these days? Answer : Yes. Quite a lot at the moment. Though it’s a bit all over the shop. I’m dipping a toe into Android programming. (And, hmmm … Java …. I thought I’d got over my Java hangups by doing a lot of Processing,…

  • Giles Bowkett: Rails Went Off The Rails

    It’s fascinating to read Giles Bowkett on Rails, its bloat, its falling out of fashion. Fascinating mainly because it so clearly highlights that no-one is immune from this life-cycle that goes : new, simpler and easier than anything else hot-new thing that everyone loves adding more fluff to deal with more edge-cases build-up of technical debt re-writes…

  • VB.NET

    I’m amazed that Microsoft didn’t get the VB.NET domain name.

  • Why Pascal is Not My Favorite Programming Language

    This is a great essay on what’s wrong with Pascal. But really, it’s a great essay on what are some of the nice touches of C that makes it such a good language.

  • Universal Programming Literacy

    My answer to a Quora question : What would happen in a world where almost everyone is programming literate? How might such a world (of universal programming literacy) come about?  Most likely from a continuing trend to automate the way a lot of work gets done, and then people would learn programming as a way of…