Month: June 2008
Gotta admit, this new Blogger blogroll sorted by freshness of update and showing the latest post headline is rather cool.
Hat tip App. Engine Guy … an App. Engine book.
I made an update to Mind Traffic Control today which should speed it up a little … it’s working for me in my queue … but if anyone sees any error messages … scream. Oh, also, your deferred list in the overview should be sorted.
And, of course, I’m not forgetting about Chris Dent’s TiddlyWeb either …. though it’s harder to track progress without a blog, eh, Chris? 🙂 Update: Doh! Chris reminds me there’s a Tiddlyweb Twitterfeed
Meanwhile, as if goaded into action : a new WikidBase release.
Amused by Galaxiki Could there be an interstar mashup?
Here’s something else that looks pretty cool. BuckyBase is a data-wiki where pages are like free-form records (dictionaries of key / value pairs) that can also be can be shown grouped into tabular form. It’s fairly simple at the moment (another just-launched GAE experiment), but I can’t help thinking that in my “enterprisey” day-job I…