Month: February 2014

  • Learn You a Haskell 3 – Types and Typeclasses

    I’m on the Making Our Own Types and Typeclasses chapter. With prompting from the tutorial, knocked up the classic binary tree : data Tree a = EmptyTree | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Show, Read, Eq) root x = Node x EmptyTree EmptyTree tInsert x EmptyTree = root x tInsert x (Node val…

  • Learn You a Haskell 2

    Yes … I’m getting the picture. Laziness is pretty damned useful. You can basically just not worry about the end conditions for all those infinite series and lists you’re searching in.

  • Learn You a Haskell

    So I decided to actually sit down and Learn Me a Haskell. Worked through the first few sections. Kind of what I knew already except I think I’m getting a glimmer of why Currying / Partial Application is a good idea, at least in that it’s a very concise way of making higher-order functions on…

  • Wolfram Language

    Stephen Wolfram's Introduction to the Wolfram Language I’m impressed. Beyond being just a grab-bag of libraries (which it could have been) it seems there’s real thinking about composability here. The laziness of evaluation, the “symbolic-ness” makes it a powerful functional programming language. In fact, it’s almost a “data-flow” language. Of the kind, like Yahoo Pipes,…

  • Compiling To Hardware

    Some (ThoughtStorms) links on CompilingToHardware.

  • Flow Based Programming in Python

    Interesting. A number of DataFlow frameworks for Python : FlowBasedProgramming – Python Wiki.

  • Windows to Support Android Apps?

    Mary Jo Foley asks if Microsoft could or should enable Android apps on Windows. I’d think it would be more to the point to support standard HTML5 / Javascript apps. as first class citizens in Windows. It’s just as good a way to pick up a lot of developers. ChromeOS and FirefoxOS developers can port…

  • Struggling with the "OWL on Safari" Bug

    You can see me scratching my head over on Stack Overflow. I’ve got some kind of answer, not sure if it’s the right one yet. Will keep you posted when it’s in the repository. Update : OK. It’s up on GitHub. Would welcome feedback if it’s now working. (Safari on Mac, IE on Windows, Chrome…

  • Meld

    I don’t think I noted, when I was discussing bringing the OWL and OWLdroid codebases back together, that I was using Meld. Just wanna say it here … Meld rocks! Thanks guys!

  • ▶ Jessica McKellar: The Future of Python

    Very interesting. Jessica McKellar: The Future of Python What are Python’s challenges surviving into the future? Windows, Mobile, Games are all suffering somewhat. Science seems to be the a beacon showing a way forward. .