Month: July 2014
This looks interesting : NoFlo | Flow-Based Programming for JavaScript. A CoffeeScript framework for dataflow?
Why age in software is bullshit
Dave Winer : Why age in software is bullshit.
What's the point?
Dave says it well.
Dave Winer's Pragmatic Turn
I’ve not been paying much attention to Dave Winer recently. But it turns out he’s launching a bunch of stuff. A tool to slice long stories into “tweetstorms”? A meme creator that posts directly to Facebook? A tool to prioritise tweets from important friends? What’s going on here? Dave doesn’t trust major platform vendors an…
Clojure Multimethods
Wow! Now this is weird! I honestly don’t know what to make of Clojure’s ad-hoc hierarchies. I have, I confess, been missing a little bit of the polymorphism I’m used to with classic OO class-hierarchies. This looks like it’s the answer to that. But hmmmm …. if I start down this path am I going…