Month: August 2015

  • Things to think about

    A blurst of fascinating things to think about today: Rich Hickey’s “Language of the System” : Johnathan Edwards’s “Two Way Dataflow” : Grokking Reactive Demand Programming

  • Handmade Manifesto

    There’s a lot to like about the Handmade Manifesto. But I wish it hadn’t been quite so conflated with talk of avoiding abstraction and hand-rolled efficiency. Anyway, I’ll keep an eye on it.

  • Patterning …

    So I wasn’t actually planning this. But I’ve been working on Patterning again in the last week or so. There’s a new version coming. The bad news is that it’s going to break the “API” and your existing code. 🙁 The good news is that there will now actually BE an API. A real one,…

  • Colourize Clojure Errors

    Clojure is a wonderful language. The more I use it, the more I like it. But the default error reporting is catastrophically bad, forcing you to look through screensful of Java stack-trace for the needle of a bit of code that’s actually yours. I’m sure there are better solutions, but today I just hacked a…

  • Why use Twitter for identity?

    Dave Winer on why he’s using Twitter for identity?

  • Clojure Reader Conditionals

    So Clojure is getting Reader Conditionals ie. a way to put Clojure / ClojureScript etc. variants into ordinary source files. It’s like .cljx files but without the separate pre-processor. Now the Clojure / ClojureScript compilers themselves will be able to pick out the variant of the code relevant to them. Most of Patterning’s core is…

  • Figwheel

    Wow! Figwheel looks pretty damned interesting. Another item for my Mind Traffic Control queue … try using it for Patterning apps.

  • Project ThoughtStorms fixes

    While on the subject of Project ThoughtStorms, I realized that the tools Quick Paste and Compare were broken. These are now working again. Quick Paste lets you quickly paste a a bunch of paragraphs of text and get back an SFW formatted file that can be dropped directly into your pages directory in an SFW…

  • WTF SourceForge?


  • SdiDesk VB.NET on GitHub

    At one point I had SdiDesk converted to VB.NET because VB Classic was clearly deprecated and maybe VB.NET was the future. In the event I never really liked this idea or immersed myself in VB.NET. But the code was sitting around on Google Code hosting. Now Google Code is shutting down, I did the automatic…