Month: August 2015
Things to think about
A blurst of fascinating things to think about today: Rich Hickey’s “Language of the System” : Johnathan Edwards’s “Two Way Dataflow” : Grokking Reactive Demand Programming
Handmade Manifesto
There’s a lot to like about the Handmade Manifesto. But I wish it hadn’t been quite so conflated with talk of avoiding abstraction and hand-rolled efficiency. Anyway, I’ll keep an eye on it.
Patterning …
So I wasn’t actually planning this. But I’ve been working on Patterning again in the last week or so. There’s a new version coming. The bad news is that it’s going to break the “API” and your existing code. 🙁 The good news is that there will now actually BE an API. A real one,…
Colourize Clojure Errors
Clojure is a wonderful language. The more I use it, the more I like it. But the default error reporting is catastrophically bad, forcing you to look through screensful of Java stack-trace for the needle of a bit of code that’s actually yours. I’m sure there are better solutions, but today I just hacked a…
Why use Twitter for identity?
Dave Winer on why he’s using Twitter for identity?
Clojure Reader Conditionals
So Clojure is getting Reader Conditionals ie. a way to put Clojure / ClojureScript etc. variants into ordinary source files. It’s like .cljx files but without the separate pre-processor. Now the Clojure / ClojureScript compilers themselves will be able to pick out the variant of the code relevant to them. Most of Patterning’s core is…
Wow! Figwheel looks pretty damned interesting. Another item for my Mind Traffic Control queue … try using it for Patterning apps.
Project ThoughtStorms fixes
While on the subject of Project ThoughtStorms, I realized that the tools Quick Paste and Compare were broken. These are now working again. Quick Paste lets you quickly paste a a bunch of paragraphs of text and get back an SFW formatted file that can be dropped directly into your pages directory in an SFW…
WTF SourceForge?
SdiDesk VB.NET on GitHub
At one point I had SdiDesk converted to VB.NET because VB Classic was clearly deprecated and maybe VB.NET was the future. In the event I never really liked this idea or immersed myself in VB.NET. But the code was sitting around on Google Code hosting. Now Google Code is shutting down, I did the automatic…