Yahoo Pipes may be dead, but Node Red seems to be the device swarm orchestrating, data-flow programming tool I was hoping it might evolve into. It’s free software, it runs on everything including RaspberryPi and talks pub-sub protocols like MQTT. Source: Node-RED
Tag Archives: feeds
Yahoo Pipes Blog – Pipes End-of-life Announcement
So Yahoo Pipes is closing down. As of August 30th 2015, users will no longer be able to create new Pipes. The Pipes team will keep the infrastructure running until end of September 30th 2015 in a read-only mode. You can download your Pipe definition by specifying your Pipe-ID (_id) and the output format (_out=json) …
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Social Media 2012
My comment on Alex’s blog : Well, you already know but I still think wiki has a future, as pointed to by Smallest Federated Wiki. There are some flaws / issues with SFW, mainly I think because not enough people are working on it, but it’s still the signpost for how wiki could evolve. Would …
Planet Building
As I mentioned in my previous post, I’m rather taken with Planet Planet, the old-skool Python based RSS aggregator that outputs flat HTML. I used it to build my wonderful Future Manufacturing river. And I want to use it for more things. So I’ve created a small script to make installing Planet ultra-easy on a …
Walled River
Apple join the war against RSS. We need to defend the principle of a platform independent / open feed of news items from all the companies like Facebook, Twitter, Google and Apple who have seen the future as feeds insided their own proprietory walled “gardens”. Not sure if a garden is the right metaphor for …
Show Your RSS
Dave Winer reminds us to help people find our RSS feeds, as it seems that browser-makers are increasingly trying to obscure them from us.[1]. My approach is non-standard, but hopefully conveys the message 🙂 [1] Rather like Steve Jobs trying to hide the file-system, some people love to take away anything that it might actually …
The web is becoming more and more “feedlike”. (And yet email is … well email is sort of feedlike, isn’t it?)f
Mattis Manzel continues his explorations in pulling wikis and feeds together.
Haven’t written here for a long time. A couple of notes and catch-ups. Chandler 1.0 is out. I was struck by these features : Chandler aims to provide a more integrated approach to managing information with: A Quick Entry Bar to enter everything from ideas to reminders and appointments. NOW-LATER-DONE Triage List to collect, process …
A while ago on Platform Wars I wrote : 99% of the world’s “semi-structured” data is not in Microformats but in tables in spreadsheets. Wildly inaccurate estimate I’m sure. But I’ll bet it dwarfs XML formats including RSS. So where’s the Yahoo Pipes for CSV and spreadsheet data? The mashing, pivot-tabling, cartesian joining of live …