Project ThoughtStorms Wikish Plugin Update

There’s a quick update to the wikish plugin for Project ThoughtStorms (that’s the plugin type that offers UseMode / SdiDesk style wiki markup for the Smallest Federated Wiki). I’ve now added the double-comma defined tables.
oranges,, apples,, pears
43,, 55,, 22

Now becomes

oranges apples pears
43 55 22

Although not nearly as elegant. The simple CSS styling I was trying to use seems to clash with SFW’s style sheet in a way I haven’t debugged yet. So I’ve stuck with good old-fashioned table borders. (Ouch!)
Given the SFW’s narrow columns, I wasn’t originally going to support tables. But I have a couple of things for which it makes sense. So if you’re using Project ThoughtStorms, the repo is already updated. ThoughtStorms itself I haven’t updated to the most recent SFW codebase. That’s coming ASAP.