Walled River

Apple join the war against RSS.

We need to defend the principle of a platform independent / open feed of news items from all the companies like Facebook, Twitter, Google and Apple who have seen the future as feeds insided their own proprietory walled “gardens”.

Not sure if a garden is the right metaphor for a feed routing system, maybe “walled river”?

Something like this? 🙁

Hat-tip Scribe.

Open rivers of news are wonderful things. Recently I’ve started using the venerable Planet feed agregator to make some public planets (rivers) such as this mind-boggling “Future Manufacturing” one. Glance at that and see exactly how awesome open RSS is. And how it can be way more compelling than the constrained Twitter or your riddiculously cramped Facebook wall. Look at a torrent of exciting information that can actually “breath”, where text can be as long as it needs and where pictures are wide-screen rather than crammed into a cage designed to make you look at adverts.

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