This is a great plugin to help make working with WordPress as sane as the rest of my writing: Markup Markdown
Category Archives: Tools
Starting a ClojureScript Project in 2022
I needed to start a simple ClojureScript project in 2022. And it was a faff. I love Clojure. But creating projects has become much harder because of so many different ways to do it, different and changing tools, and outdated online documentation. So tl;dr: I seem to have found a solution that works for me. …
Happy 10th Birthday, Smallest Federated Wiki
I second this : Happy 10th Anniversary to the Smallest Federated Wiki! Congratulations Ward Cunningham! And thanks as well to Mike Caulfield and all those who’ve worked on, iterated, and expanded on its foundations since. Smallest Federated Wiki is yet another great intuitive idea from Ward Cunningham. Ward is always doing stuff that seems simultaneously …
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A Test of Mind Traffic Control
Today I managed to screw up my todo.txt file that I use with Mind Traffic Control. I had to recreate it from some backups that weren’t quite as up-to-date as I needed them to be. And I got a lot of duplication in the file. And obviously items that had been done are now back …
Cardigan Bay Screenshots
I’m going to do some video tutorials shortly. Just need to find a decent mic and a quiet space. In the meantime, some recent screenshots of Cardigan Bay
Cardigan-Bay 0.3.0
The release for the latest Cardigan Bay is out here : Release Cardigan-Bay 0.3.0 · interstar/cardigan-bay Now exports static sites based on the contents of your wiki. (See yesterday’s stories) Other goodies : move card from one page to another is working well cleaned up tables and CSS of embedded videos / bandcamp music etc. …
Carp: A statically typed Lisp, without a GC, for real-time applications.
This looks rather good. Carp: A statically typed lisp, without a GC, for real-time applications. It is what it says. It’s a Lisp, with some inspiration from Clojure in terms of syntax, that’s designed for writing fast native code like games and … (w00t!) audio applications. Etc. It actually compiles into C. It takes some …
Continue reading “Carp: A statically typed Lisp, without a GC, for real-time applications.”
Browsers Accessing the Local Disk
After writing Why isn’t browser based programming or browser based IDEs more popular? – Smart Disorganized I want to emphasize and ask again. Why aren’t the browser makers offering us a way for web-apps to read and write from the local disk? I know that it’s a mega security issue. But it should be possible …
Why isn’t browser based programming or browser based IDEs more popular?
My Quora answer : Basically because most programmers use a bunch of other tools that are local, on their hard disk. These include compilers, libraries, source control, unit-testing frameworks, CI/CD pipelines etc. etc. And browsers, because of their security model, are really bad at talking to the local disk. So, if you want to use …
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What is Clojure about?
A nice summary : What is it about? – Community Center / Watercooler – ClojureVerse