Tag: test-driven development

  • Iterative, Test-Driven Development

    My Quora answer : Iterative, “test driven”, development. Break your idea down into a number of simple “stories”, each of which describes a single chunk of activity which goes all the way through from the beginning to the end of a user’s experience with the software. Importantly a story is not a traditional “component” ……

  • Ward Cunningham Interview

    Another good Ward Cunningham interview The job was really to take C++, which was a fairly static language, and show people how to write dynamic programs in a static language. That’s what most of the patterns in that book were about. And in the process, patterns extended the life of C++ by a decade, which…

  • Great talk on TDD, Ward Cunningham and what killed Smalltalk.

  • I love micro unit testing frameworks like Minunit. Turns out you can do something even simpler with Erlang.