Tag: scripted life

  • Quick And Dirty Java Analysis

    I needed a quick and dirty way to see the class hierarchy and interface implementation of about 40 to 50 classes / interfaces in a small Java program. I didn’t need proper UML analysis / format or anything fancy. So a quick Python script + Graphviz did the job.

  • GrabQuora on GitHub

    A couple of tweaks to the Quora grabbing script. Makes it worth upgrading to a full GitHub project.

  • Quora Scraper

    I love Quora. It’s a great site and community. But I started getting a bit concerned how much writing I was doing there which was (potentially) disappearing inside their garden and not part of the body of thinking I’m building up on ThoughtStorms (or even my blogs). Fortunately, I discovered Quora has an RSS feed…

  • Universal Programming Literacy

    My answer to a Quora question : What would happen in a world where almost everyone is programming literate? How might such a world (of universal programming literacy) come about?  Most likely from a continuing trend to automate the way a lot of work gets done, and then people would learn programming as a way of…