Today I managed to screw up my todo.txt file that I use with Mind Traffic Control. I had to recreate it from some backups that weren’t quite as up-to-date as I needed them to be. And I got a lot of duplication in the file. And obviously items that had been done are now back …
Tag Archives: mind traffic control
Mind Traffic Control : Site Going Down
I’m going to close down the Mind Traffic Control site on Google App Engine. The online app has been dead for some time. While I’m very happy with my command-line version which I’m using every day. The only reason the site is still up on GAE is for any old users to export their data. …
What's up? August 2019 Edition
Gosh … we’re half way through the year already. So what am I up to in programming? Clojure I still think it’s a wonderful language. Not doing as much as I’d like. But it’s still great. One thing I did a few months ago was port the terminal version of Mind Traffic Control to it. …
Why is my phone so useless?
Why is my phone so useless? I mean I’m a programmer. I can make it do what I want, can’t I? And yet, actually, I’m as bad as anyone. Allowing my phone and its apps. to define my activities. I still depend on the laptop for all the things that are for me. My phone …
Where I’m At, March 2017
A quick update (for me, as much as anyone else) of where I’m at and what I’m currently thinking about … March 2017: ClojureScript and Reagent I want to get up to speed on this as my standard way of writing browser based software. React seems to have conquered the world as browser based, reactive …
Killing my vibe
qzhuyan responds to me tweeting Emacs on PocketCHIP. Emacs on pocketchip! Nice man! Then one can have portable org mode! — qzhuyan (@qzhuyan) August 11, 2016 Which is, er, very true. And wonderful. But this haunts me continuously, as I explore the Mind Traffic Geometry of tools that support me tracking tasks and outlining …
MTC on PocketCHIP
You all probably knew where this was going, right? Of course, it’s been my priority to run the new MTC on the PocketCHIP. And it runs fine, without any special conversion; just needed to figure out how to install a library it depended on without going through drracket. Now I’m off for my celebratory bike …
MTC Update
Fixed a minor, but annoying, bug in MTC Racket today. There’s an option, when you have a URL in an item, to get MTC to pull it and show the “title” of the page that the URL is pointing out. It’s a quick reminder of what the page is about without opening up the browser …
MTC Update
Today I killed the old Mind Traffic Control on Google App Engine. And replaced it with a new, fairly basic, site. (Though one that’s quite pretty, in a Packt Publishing kind of way.) This is the beginning of a whole new MTC ecosystem. 1) I’m no longer interested in hosting your todos on Google App …
Mind Traffic Control is Dead!
Long live Mind Traffic Control! No New Year’s Resolutions or even questions this year. But as an honorary Brazilian, my new year doesn’t really start until after carnival, so now would be the time for it. However here’s a quick update. The answer to the old MTC question is now resolved for me. It’s time …