Conceptual Refactoring : Project GeekWeaver

A few years ago I looked at some of the programs I was writing, both for public release and libraries / scripts for internal consumption, and realized that even I was confused. I needed a new map to understand what I was doing. Hence I came up with Project ThoughtStorms. A quick and dirty overview …

Welcome to 2015 (part 2)

Bloody hell! I just wrote a blog post and WordPress lost it. Grrrr … The short resume was : yes, I’m late (Feb) continuing my “Welcome to 2015” blog posts. last year I got the functional programming bug. Haskell is pretty damned good, but I’ve fallen for Clojure because a) dynamic types, b) Lisp syntax(lessness), …


My software is more or less like Cthulhu. Normally dead and at the bottom of the sea, but occasionally stirring and throwing out a languid tentacle to drive men’s minds insane. (Or at least perturb a couple of more recklessly adventurous users.) However there’s been a bit more bubbling agitation down in R’lyeh recently. The …