I’m going to close down the Mind Traffic Control site on Google App Engine. The online app has been dead for some time. While I’m very happy with my command-line version which I’m using every day. The only reason the site is still up on GAE is for any old users to export their data. …
Tag Archives: GAE
This is an absolutely brilliant summary of the virtues of PHP. The important point is that these virtues aren’t going away. By comparison this seems to miss the point. In 2020 we won’t be programming the web with an advanced Python framework (wonderful as python is). We’ll have something which does what PHP did for …
App. Engine’s pay-for-more model goes live.
TurboGears on Application Engine
A blog written on Google App. Engine.
Alternatives to Google Application Engine
Hat tip App. Engine Guy … an App. Engine book.
And, of course, I’m not forgetting about Chris Dent’s TiddlyWeb either …. though it’s harder to track progress without a blog, eh, Chris? 🙂 Update: Doh! Chris reminds me there’s a Tiddlyweb Twitterfeed
Wow! Manuel Simoni is on fire! with BuckyBase development : – Import into Google Spreadsheet – Google Gadgets Visualization – RDF triples (ah well … if it makes him happy) – and is this a TreeGrid??? This is seriously exciting.
Here’s something else that looks pretty cool. BuckyBase is a data-wiki where pages are like free-form records (dictionaries of key / value pairs) that can also be can be shown grouped into tabular form. It’s fairly simple at the moment (another just-launched GAE experiment), but I can’t help thinking that in my “enterprisey” day-job I …