Redundancy in Web App Architecture

I’m not sure I understand Brent Simmons’ problem, here. If you need the same code running on two or three small specialized web-servers, just write it once in a library and include it in each of them. The repetition of running instances isn’t worth worrying about. I’m wondering if his problem is really a lack …

Dave Winer's Pragmatic Turn

I’ve not been paying much attention to Dave Winer recently. But it turns out he’s launching a bunch of stuff. A tool to slice long stories into “tweetstorms”? A meme creator that posts directly to Facebook? A tool to prioritise tweets from important friends? What’s going on here? Dave doesn’t trust major platform vendors an …

Clojure Multimethods

Wow! Now this is weird! I honestly don’t know what to make of Clojure’s ad-hoc hierarchies. I have, I confess, been missing a little bit of the polymorphism I’m used to with classic OO class-hierarchies. This looks like it’s the answer to that. But hmmmm …. if I start down this path am I going …