What's Special About Dynamically Typed FP?

The magic of Functional Programming is that you can write the verbs before the nouns. You have so little commitment to what the data structures are, that it doesn’t get in the way. Today I find myself mapping across and diff-ing lists of arbitrary ad-hoc dictionaries and tuples. Had I sat down and had to …


Well that was surprisingly painless. I’m in the process of reorganizing the code for Patterning, my Clojure library that produces (visual) patterns. Patterning was built using Quil, which is a Clojure wrapper around Processing. But I wanted to be able to call the library directly from Processing itself (Java version). It seemed silly to create …

Is Google breaking the Android file-system?

Over at the comments on Use Dropbox in place of iTunes I pointed out that, far from Android working straightforwardly, the problems I posted about here suggest that Google is actually breaking the “just working” file-system model that Android used to have. Maybe this is in the name of security. Or efficiency. Or following Apple …

Issue 38282 : Android MTP support does not show recent files until the device is rebooted

Just found that this bug in Android is causing problems for my OWL / OWLdroid syncing. Issue 38282 – Android MTP support does not show recent files until the device is rebooted. Basically, when OWLdroid creates a new page, it writes a new OPML file to the Android’s local storage. But because Android now has …