A “Smart Disorganized” Tech Blog
Future Programming on Quora
Quora has introduced the idea of “spaces”. A kind of “blog” or curated collection of existing answers from different people, to help organize answers around particular themes. I just created a Future Programming Space to gather my answers about various ideas in the future of programming languages. I still intend to move my answers to…
Which language is better for creating DSLs, Clojure or Haskell?
Another Quora answer. Part of my increasing admiration for the virtues of EDN in Clojure. Which language is better for creating DSLs, Clojure or Haskell? Clojure has a slightly different philosophy than most Lisps, I think. In Clojure you’d be more likely to make your “DSL” in EDN (“Extensible Data Notation”, which is a bit…
The Rise of Jupyter
Good article on Jupyter.
Further to the previous post. The talk on Hazel is fascinating. I’ve been thinking for a while about the importance of being able to program “in your own order” ie. fill the blanks of your decision making about your program as and when you have that information available to you / or as you feel…
Strange Loop 2018
It has to be said that this year’s Strange Loop looks amazing. So many fascinating talks …
ThoughtStorms is nothing but LinkBins
If ThoughtStorms is looking a bit busy but weird these days, it’s because it’s starting to become my “bookmarking” application. I’m not quite sure where I’m going with this, but for a while I’ve had a bookmarklet to add interesting pages to the ThoughtStorms LinkBin page. Now I have a new way to route those…
Why is my phone so useless?
Why is my phone so useless? I mean I’m a programmer. I can make it do what I want, can’t I? And yet, actually, I’m as bad as anyone. Allowing my phone and its apps. to define my activities. I still depend on the laptop for all the things that are for me. My phone…
Microsoft adds Python to Excel
Several years late, it seems M$ is considering making Python native to Excel. I wrote a … you guessed it … Quora answer as to why this makes sense for Microsoft. —- Python has become massively popular with the data and machine learning communities in the last few years. Tools like JuPyter are increasingly popular…
Gmail Snooze
Is GMail Snooze basically building Mind Traffic Control into your email client? Well, it’s about time Google did something radical to improve GMail. There’s still so much untapped potential in the mail-box. And at least email is an open protocol that we should defend against moving to walled rivers like Facebook and Slack etc.
Got any book recommendations?