Tag: python

  • Prediction I made : I predict that in five years time, the hot language will either be a version of Python which has adopted ideas (Pattern matching arguments, Monads, immutability etc.) from Haskell; or a Haskell-like language which has borrowed some syntactic sugar from Python. Don’t know if I entirely believe that, but it’s a…

  • Oh Ho! What’s New in Python 2.6

  • Here’s a company with the right attitude. Their recruitment puzzle is pretty cute, too.

  • Git as versioned data-store in python.

  • Ian Bicking does Erlang style pattern matching in Python.

  • Code-swarm. Nice 🙂

  • Loads of nice stuff going on in Squeakland. Showing Seaside demos to a colleague this week made me wonder whether I need to dive back in. It’s been a long time (15 years) since I wrote any Smalltalk. And what with Python, Erlang, GeekWeaver + some C, PHP, Javascript; and Cache ObjectScript (don’t ask!) in…

  • Python as a Platform

  • Softlaunch … no fanfare … Mind Traffic Control This is my first Google Application Engine application. A kind of next-action list for the Twitter generation. Basic instructions : 1) You need a Google account to login (eg. Gmail) … it’s a GAE app. 2) There’s a blue box for inputting tasks you need to do.…

  • I’ve now been playing with GAE for a couple of weeks, and it’s still looking pretty good. I’ve now got an Orkut developer account so I can make Orkut widgets tethered to a GAE based service. Meanwhile looks like GvR has been doing some cool stuff within Google with internal development tools, and has just…