A “Smart Disorganized” Tech Blog

  • Flow Based Programming in Python

    Interesting. A number of DataFlow frameworks for Python : FlowBasedProgramming – Python Wiki.

  • Windows to Support Android Apps?

    Mary Jo Foley asks if Microsoft could or should enable Android apps on Windows. I’d think it would be more to the point to support standard HTML5 / Javascript apps. as first class citizens in Windows. It’s just as good a way to pick up a lot of developers. ChromeOS and FirefoxOS developers can port…

  • Struggling with the "OWL on Safari" Bug

    You can see me scratching my head over on Stack Overflow. I’ve got some kind of answer, not sure if it’s the right one yet. Will keep you posted when it’s in the repository. Update : OK. It’s up on GitHub. Would welcome feedback if it’s now working. (Safari on Mac, IE on Windows, Chrome…

  • Meld

    I don’t think I noted, when I was discussing bringing the OWL and OWLdroid codebases back together, that I was using Meld. Just wanna say it here … Meld rocks! Thanks guys!

  • ▶ Jessica McKellar: The Future of Python

    Very interesting. Jessica McKellar: The Future of Python What are Python’s challenges surviving into the future? Windows, Mobile, Games are all suffering somewhat. Science seems to be the a beacon showing a way forward. .

  • 37 Signals Becomes Basecamp

    How strange! It’s not what I’d have thought they’d do. Perhaps my model of S37 is wrong, but would you expect a bunch of hip young(ish) things to want to give up their experimentation and consolidate their energies on a maturing cash-cow? Is this actually a sign that 37 Signals are in trouble? Or that…

  • The IPython Notebook

    I seem to have slept on this : The IPython Notebook a browser based maths / scientific notebook that runs embedded Python code.

  • OWL Screenshots

    How is OWL looking these days? Here are a couple of screenshots : OWLdroid Note that I’ve moved the navbar of OWL into the space which Bootstrap usually uses for the main menu. This is a big win in terms of space, and the fact that it’s now always visible, even when scrolling down long…

  • Big changes to Erlang

    Erlang to get dictionaries and access to the name of a function in the function itself.

  • Smart Disorganized Individuals – tribe.net

    Gosh! The original Smart Disorganized Individuals Tribe on Tribe.net still exists. (That was my first use of the term “smart disorganized individuals”)) I put something in, though not sure if anyone reads it these days.

Got any book recommendations?