Tag: python

  • Where I’m At, March 2017

    A quick update (for me, as much as anyone else) of where I’m at and what I’m currently thinking about … March 2017: ClojureScript and Reagent I want to get up to speed on this as my standard way of writing browser based software. React seems to have conquered the world as browser based, reactive…

  • Colourize Clojure Errors

    Clojure is a wonderful language. The more I use it, the more I like it. But the default error reporting is catastrophically bad, forcing you to look through screensful of Java stack-trace for the needle of a bit of code that’s actually yours. I’m sure there are better solutions, but today I just hacked a…

  • Conceptual Refactoring : Project GeekWeaver

    A few years ago I looked at some of the programs I was writing, both for public release and libraries / scripts for internal consumption, and realized that even I was confused. I needed a new map to understand what I was doing. Hence I came up with Project ThoughtStorms. A quick and dirty overview…

  • Uninstalling Python

    Note to self : sudo apt-get remove python2.7 Has a pretty dramatic effect on a Ubuntu box. There are a LOT of packages these days that are dependent on Python somewhere inside them (including a lot of Unity) 🙂

  • Clojure

    OK. Consider me won over. Lisp is great to work with. The things that grabbed me about FP in Erlang and Haskell (pattern-matching arguments, partial application, lazy evaluation) are all here. My code is as concise as Erlang and damned nearly as concise as Haskell (I think the line count is similar though the number…

  • Gates of Dawn Update

    I’ve gone back to doing some work on Gates of Dawn, my terse Python library for creating PureData patches. The idea here is I want to make synthesizers in PD but I don’t particularly like drawing boxes and connectors using the clunky UI. Here’s a brief overview from the Readme file. Showing some simple code…

  • Flow Based Programming in Python

    Interesting. A number of DataFlow frameworks for Python : FlowBasedProgramming – Python Wiki.

  • ▶ Jessica McKellar: The Future of Python

    Very interesting. Jessica McKellar: The Future of Python What are Python’s challenges surviving into the future? Windows, Mobile, Games are all suffering somewhat. Science seems to be the a beacon showing a way forward. .

  • The IPython Notebook

    I seem to have slept on this : The IPython Notebook a browser based maths / scientific notebook that runs embedded Python code.

  • Monads in Python (Again)

    Dustin Getz provides one of the best “Monads for idiot Python programmers” explanations I’ve seen. Excellent! I think I almost do understand this one.