Tag: developing in wiki
App Engine Guy links Gist Smells like a move towards a hyperlinked, online IDE.
Here’s something else that looks pretty cool. BuckyBase is a data-wiki where pages are like free-form records (dictionaries of key / value pairs) that can also be can be shown grouped into tabular form. It’s fairly simple at the moment (another just-launched GAE experiment), but I can’t help thinking that in my “enterprisey” day-job I…
Smart Disorganized Philosophy #1 I’ve been on a Smart Disorganized Individuals tip for several years, now. Always writing software compatible with that philosophy. But what is the philosophy? What does this software mean? In this series I’ll start to make some specific notes towards that. Here’s the first. SdiDesk is wiki : a network of…
Very interesting. Recently my “ProgrammingInWiki” page on WardsWiki seems to have come back to life. Along with a companion WikiIDE. A WikiDE is, of course, something I’ve been working on in the background for some time. But I’m far from having anything to show yet. So if these guys get there first, good luck to…
I’m way too busy now … but I’m having some kicking ideas about my own grandiose bid to improve programming … … think GeekWeaver in an SdiDesk-alike editor (obviously). Then imagine that *everything* is a template. That’s the way that GeekWeaver is already going. Everything is a template (ie. has named slots that can be…
Towards End-User Programming with Wikis
Know what QEDWiki reminds me of? Visual Basic. And I mean that in a good way … 😉
QED Wiki
IBM’s QEDWiki looks pretty nice. This is really taking wiki in the direction of application development tool that I’ve been dreaming about for ages.