A “Smart Disorganized” Tech Blog

  • Why I love Clojure

    Here’s some code I’m writing for my day-job. I have an iterator of IScoreObjects (basically things that live on a musical score or timeline). I want an iterator of only the Notes. Where Notes are one of the things that implement the IScoreObject interface and can live on the score. Here’s my code. import java.util.Iterator;…

  • Patterning in Cardigan Bay

    Finally done something I’ve been meaning to for a while, and brought Patterning into Cardigan Bay. That means we now have a :patterning card type which can contain Clojure code (it’s interpreted on the server using Babashka SCI) that renders patterns as SVG embedded in pages. See this example page on ThoughtStorms which has patterns…

  • Happy 10th Birthday, Smallest Federated Wiki

    I second this : Happy 10th Anniversary to the Smallest Federated Wiki! Congratulations Ward Cunningham! And thanks as well to Mike Caulfield and all those who’ve worked on, iterated, and expanded on its foundations since. Smallest Federated Wiki is yet another great intuitive idea from Ward Cunningham. Ward is always doing stuff that seems simultaneously…

  • Cardigan Bay Latest

    I’ve been slowly tweaking both Cardigan Bay and ThoughtStorms wiki in the last few months As you can see, there some slight changes. Most obviously the NavBar is starting to gain some significant functionality. In addition to typing the name of a page and hitting Go, to go to it, you can also type a…

  • The Future of Lisp

    Another rescued Quora answer to the question : What is the future of the LISP programming language? I’m writing this answer as an unabashed Clojure fanboi. I hope that the Lisp community recognise what I think are the two big advantages that Clojure brings to Lisp. And that future Lisp family languages keep them and…

  • Leaving Quora

    If you’re wondering why my Quora account seems to have been “deactivated”, that’s because it has. I’ve left. To do something more useful with my life. Full story here : http://exquora.thoughtstorms.info/

  • The Free Software Foundation #1

    I’ve been answering a couple of questions about the Free Software Foundation on Quora, recently. Here’s the latest. Should social (software) freedoms as espoused by the Free software Foundation trump technical superiority as implied by the Open Source development paradigm? Yes. The political message of the Free Software Movement is much bigger and more important…

  • The Great Software Stagnation

    Jonathan Edwards is one of those people I both profoundly agree with and profoundly disagree with. In his new year essay The Great Software Stagnation he again complains about the way the computer science field seems to be running out of new ideas. I agree wholeheartedly with his frustration. And, sure, with a few bright…

  • A Test of Mind Traffic Control

    Today I managed to screw up my todo.txt file that I use with Mind Traffic Control. I had to recreate it from some backups that weren’t quite as up-to-date as I needed them to be. And I got a lot of duplication in the file. And obviously items that had been done are now back…

  • Cardigan Bay Screenshots

    I’m going to do some video tutorials shortly. Just need to find a decent mic and a quiet space. In the meantime, some recent screenshots of Cardigan Bay

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