Modularity At Fine Granularity

Ian Bicking has a fascinating question. I’m just going to quote the whole thing because it’s so good and important :  The prevailing wisdom says that you should keep your functions small and concise, refactoring and extracting functions as necessary. But this hurts the locality of expectations that I have been thinking about. Consider: function …

The Future Of Programming

Bret Victor has another classic talk up : from Bret Victor on Vimeo. Watch it. The conceit is entertaining, from his clothes to the overheads. However, despite the brilliance of the presentation, I think he might be wrong. And the fact that it’s taken 40 years for these promising ideas NOT to take off, may …


My software is more or less like Cthulhu. Normally dead and at the bottom of the sea, but occasionally stirring and throwing out a languid tentacle to drive men’s minds insane. (Or at least perturb a couple of more recklessly adventurous users.) However there’s been a bit more bubbling agitation down in R’lyeh recently. The …

Google's New Email Tabs

There’s a lot of discussion going on around them. Eg. on Quora. I started writing a comment on a comment where Tim Bushell asks : why shouldn’t they be “red”, “green”, “blue”? ie. user-defined or neutral. But then felt it would be better here : Probably because Google have a database of thousands of email …