A “Smart Disorganized” Tech Blog

  • Quick And Dirty Java Analysis

    I needed a quick and dirty way to see the class hierarchy and interface implementation of about 40 to 50 classes / interfaces in a small Java program. I didn’t need proper UML analysis / format or anything fancy. So a quick Python script + Graphviz did the job.

  • Clojars : A Note

    Further to this story. I tried to deploy another small Clojure library to Clojars today. And found myself being asked for the passphrase to sign my update. You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for user: “phil jones ” 2048-bit RSA key, ID XXXXXX, created 2012-03-05 I got into a terrible confusion. Because,…

  • A Question for Dave Winer

    So, Dave has a nice template for showing essay-length writing. And naturally, the way things are evolving in 2015, it’s a “single-page web-app” which can pull in the actual content from another URL. Of course, I’d like to write essays using an outliner. And I’m using OWL which is really just the Concord editor that…

  • jspm.io – Frictionless Browser Package Management

    This looks very interesting. Frictionless Browser Package Management. Watching the video on javascript in 2015 shows me that it’s really time I upgraded my javascript build skills / knowledge. I’m pretty out of touch in this world.

  • Portland Pattern Repository goes SFW

    Oh wow! This is MONUMENTAL! Ward Cunningham is migrating the original wiki, the Portland Pattern Repository, to the Smallest Federated Wiki. And it seems they’re doing it by making a front-end that queries the original wiki page database and shows it through the SFW. (That’s exactly what I did with ThoughtStorms before I actually migrated…

  • Welcome to 2015 (part 2)

    Bloody hell! I just wrote a blog post and WordPress lost it. Grrrr … The short resume was : – yes, I’m late (Feb) continuing my “Welcome to 2015” blog posts. – last year I got the functional programming bug. Haskell is pretty damned good, but I’ve fallen for Clojure because a) dynamic types, b)…

  • Welcome 2015

    So, 2015, here already? Time to take stock. I haven’t been blogging as much as I should, but I’ve been pretty busy, so here’s the first of a couple of posts that give a quick run-down of the last year and thoughts on the next. I started 2014 with a number of questions that I…

  • Emacs!

    Seriously? I just opened an SVG file in emacs :

  • Issue 38282 – Android MTP support does not show recent files until the device is rebooted (continued)

    Mysteriously, this Android bug (which I talked about here) got made “obsolete” today. Without explanation. Who knows if that means it’s fixed in Android 5? (And does Android 5 actually work yet?)

  • What's Special About Dynamically Typed FP?

    The magic of Functional Programming is that you can write the verbs before the nouns. You have so little commitment to what the data structures are, that it doesn’t get in the way. Today I find myself mapping across and diff-ing lists of arbitrary ad-hoc dictionaries and tuples. Had I sat down and had to…

Got any book recommendations?