The End of Dynamic Languages

A comment I made over on The End of Dynamic Languages

The problem with the static / dynamic debate is that the problems / costs appear in different places.
In static languages, the compiler is a gatekeeper. Code that gets past the gatekeeper is almost certainly less buggy than code that doesn’t get past the gatekeeper. So if you count bugs in production code, you’ll find fewer in statically typed languages.
But in static languages less code makes it past the compiler in the first place. Anecdotally, I’ve abandoned more “let’s just try this to see if its useful” experiments in Haskell where I fought the compiler and lost, than in Clojure, where the compiler is more lenient. (Which has the knock on effect of my trying fewer experiments in Haskell in the first place, and writing more Clojure overall.)
Static typing ensures that certain code runs correctly 100% of the time, or not at all.
But sometimes it’s acceptable for code to run 90% of the time, and to have a secondary system compensate for the 10% when it fails. There might even be cases where 90% failure and 10% success can still be useful. But only dynamic languages give you access to this space of “half-programs” that “work ok, most of the time”. Static languages lock you out of it entirely. They oblige you to deal correctly with all the edge cases.
Now that’s very good, you’ve dealt with the edge cases. But what if there’s an edge case that turns up extremely rarely, but costs three months of programmer time to fix. In a nuclear power station, that’s crucial. On a bog-standard commercial web-site, that’s something that can safely be put off until next year or the year after. But a static language won’t allow you that flexibility.
The costs of static and dynamic languages turn up in different places. Which is why empirical comparisons are still hard.



