Month: October 2008

  • A pompous statement from the Voodoo Tiki God

  • Swarm. A true distributed language

  • StackOverflow discussion on good in-browser code-editors. Worth following.

  • DesktopZen 🙂

  • I’m expounding my usual “late-bound” tabs model of IDEs again, over on StackOverflow. … late binding between the buffer in the editor and actual concrete thing you’re working on, gives the editing environment more flexibility and power. Think this is out of date? One place where the idea is back with a vengeance is in…

  • Take a look at AppJet. An educational take on the IDE in a browser.

  • George Monbiot has a good piece on pursuing the work you want. So my final piece of advice is this: when faced with the choice between engaging with reality or engaging with what Erich Fromm calls the “necrophiliac” world of wealth and power, choose life, whatever the apparent costs may be.