Month: June 2008

  • Avi Bryant is working to bring Smalltalk scaling technology to Ruby on Rails. Could Smalltalk / Ruby pretty-much merge with a common VM?

  • Zby on writing Facebook apps. in Perl Catalyst

  • A while ago on Platform Wars I wrote : 99% of the world’s “semi-structured” data is not in Microformats but in tables in spreadsheets. Wildly inaccurate estimate I’m sure. But I’ll bet it dwarfs XML formats including RSS. So where’s the Yahoo Pipes for CSV and spreadsheet data? The mashing, pivot-tabling, cartesian joining of live…

  • Anyone not worked out how to use #tags in Mind Traffic Control? All you do is write your tag words with a # as in #work or #food and these items get tagged. Once you have tagged items in your current queue, a select box appears at the right of the “next action” box, allowing…

  • I’m eavesdropping on a fascinating email exchange between Chris Dent (of Blue Oxen and Socialtext fame) now working on TiddlyWeb and Frank McIngvale who’s project is WikklyText. I haven’t had time to take it all in yet. But it looks like Chris has got TiddlyWeb working on the Google App. Engine. And Frank has got…

  • I use Subversion source-control (I have one web-hosted repository, one on my pendrive, and I just started using Google Code.) But I’m tempted by distibuted source-management. The arbitrary decision as to whether I host a project online or on my pen-drive is … well … arbitrary, and sometimes needs to be revised. Distributed would be…

  • Ouch! Major down for Mind Traffic Control today. Must be something to do with the fix I posted this morning which I thought was pretty harmless (and worked for me at that moment, honest!) Anyway, I’m not in front of a machine where I can work on it, this second. But I’ll roll back to…

  • I fixed a subtlish bug in Mind Traffic Control today. I was trying to pull the email address out of user objects using … however it seemed that you might be able to have users who don’t have an email address and for who fails or returns None. Not common, I guess because…

  • Stowe Boyd vs. the Neo-Fordians

  • Tim Burks talks about his language Nu (seems to be kind of Ruby-like behaviour with a Lisplike appearance (lack of syntax?) Good references to Brad Cox‘s Planning the Software Industrial Revolution. Cool. Didn’t know this stuff before.