Month: May 2008
Another list view for Mind Traffic Control
OK, somewhat ugly, but they’re there by popular demand … full lists of your tasks. Don’t worry Mind Traffic Control isn’t forgetting them. 🙂
If you follow @exmosis on twitter you’ll see he’s busily trying to deconstruct Mind Traffic Control turning it into an untask-list or a barter-market. @adrianh is constructively sceptical. Lots here
Mind Traffic Control now has #tags. If you use any word beginning with a # when describing a task, the task gets tagged with this word. And once you start tagging, a filter appears to let you filter your queue to present only those tasks which contain the tag. Not entirely sure I’ve got the…
Smart Disorganized Philosophy #1 I’ve been on a Smart Disorganized Individuals tip for several years, now. Always writing software compatible with that philosophy. But what is the philosophy? What does this software mean? In this series I’ll start to make some specific notes towards that. Here’s the first. SdiDesk is wiki : a network of…
Today’s Mind Traffic Control update. The “defer” screen was simple, but not simple enough. Why make the user go through two mouse clicks – select a radio button and then the submit button – when this can be reduced to one? Now choosing how long you want to delay is a single button click. I…
Just remembered Paul Graham’s essay from earlier in the year. It really spoke to me (what with my bias towards the agile, experimental, piecemeal, wiki-natured, wabi-sabi way of design). Of course it’s my road-map for the ongoing development of Mind Traffic Control.
Day 2 of Mind Traffic Control in public. Development continues with MTC exporting OPML
Mind Traffic Control roll-out continues. Nothing spectacular in terms of numbers, but friends are making interesting comments and suggestions; and some strangers are discovering it via the Twitter announcement. Eikeon pointed to twemes as a place to search for the #tag #MTC on Twitter. Good chat with Folknology. He’s encouraging me to open up the…
Softlaunch … no fanfare … Mind Traffic Control This is my first Google Application Engine application. A kind of next-action list for the Twitter generation. Basic instructions : 1) You need a Google account to login (eg. Gmail) … it’s a GAE app. 2) There’s a blue box for inputting tasks you need to do.…