Month: November 2005

  • A P R E S S . C O M : Micro-ISV: From Vision to Reality

  • Express – Visual Basic Alright, I admit, I’m tempted. The new Visual Basic plus development environment, free (as in beer) to download today. Should I take a look? See how hard it’d be to translate SdiDesk into it? Things to consider, positive and negative : – It’s .Net 2.0 only, so part of MS’s forced…

  • RossMayfield on PodTech

  • What’s going on with SdiDesk? bodnotbod writes : ‘Q: I would love to see section editing like they have at Wikipedia. I’ve just started working on my first ultra long page and am finding it very unweildly. One work-around would be for me to break the page up into smaller pages but for the task…

  • Who the hell are Wikisphere? Whatever! They get $5.25 million dollars in VC