Category: Tools

  • What is Clojure about?

    A nice summary : What is it about? – Community Center / Watercooler – ClojureVerse

  • GraphQL

    I’m late to this party. But I’m starting to look into GraphQL and realize that it’s very much speaking to many of the things I’ve been thinking about recently. A nice clean schema-first declaration of data that you care about and want to interact with. The schema representation isn’t quite as elegant as I’d ideally…

  • Travel Report

    So as noted previously, I went travelling without a notebook, but with a Xaomi tablet, a portable keyboard, and a copy of UserLand Linux. How did that go? Surprisingly well. Actually I ended up using another keyboard, a cheap “cover” with keyboard built in, no Bluetooth but micro-USB. And I had to get an adaptor…

  • Holiday Reading

    I’m about to go on holiday in January. And it’s time for a new adventure in travelling without my laptop. I can’t go anywhere without the safety blanket of a Unix computer. And since my PocketCHIP got stolen, I’ve been without something portable. Anyway, what you see in the photo is my new Xaomi 8″…

  • CLOjure SHell

    I’ve been playing with CloSH, the Clojure Shell. And I have to say, I’m sold. If you’d like to have the full power of Clojure. And to write shell scripts that look like this : [cc lang=”clojure”] (doseq [f (expand “*jpg”) (println f) (sh identify -format “%wx%h” (str f)) (println)) [/cc] rather than in hard…

  • Why is my phone so useless?

    Why is my phone so useless? I mean I’m a programmer. I can make it do what I want, can’t I? And yet, actually, I’m as bad as anyone. Allowing my phone and its apps. to define my activities. I still depend on the laptop for all the things that are for me. My phone…

  • The IPython Notebook

    I seem to have slept on this : The IPython Notebook a browser based maths / scientific notebook that runs embedded Python code.