Category: Tools
What is Clojure about?
A nice summary : What is it about? – Community Center / Watercooler – ClojureVerse
I’m late to this party. But I’m starting to look into GraphQL and realize that it’s very much speaking to many of the things I’ve been thinking about recently. A nice clean schema-first declaration of data that you care about and want to interact with. The schema representation isn’t quite as elegant as I’d ideally…
Travel Report
So as noted previously, I went travelling without a notebook, but with a Xaomi tablet, a portable keyboard, and a copy of UserLand Linux. How did that go? Surprisingly well. Actually I ended up using another keyboard, a cheap “cover” with keyboard built in, no Bluetooth but micro-USB. And I had to get an adaptor…
Holiday Reading
I’m about to go on holiday in January. And it’s time for a new adventure in travelling without my laptop. I can’t go anywhere without the safety blanket of a Unix computer. And since my PocketCHIP got stolen, I’ve been without something portable. Anyway, what you see in the photo is my new Xaomi 8″…
CLOjure SHell
I’ve been playing with CloSH, the Clojure Shell. And I have to say, I’m sold. If you’d like to have the full power of Clojure. And to write shell scripts that look like this : [cc lang=”clojure”] (doseq [f (expand “*jpg”) (println f) (sh identify -format “%wx%h” (str f)) (println)) [/cc] rather than in hard…
Why is my phone so useless?
Why is my phone so useless? I mean I’m a programmer. I can make it do what I want, can’t I? And yet, actually, I’m as bad as anyone. Allowing my phone and its apps. to define my activities. I still depend on the laptop for all the things that are for me. My phone…
The IPython Notebook
I seem to have slept on this : The IPython Notebook a browser based maths / scientific notebook that runs embedded Python code.