Author: synaesmedia

  • So, I was all set to start writing some unit tests to begin the refactoring I described below. But then I needed to do a bit of procrastination, first. 🙂 That article is good advice for procrastinators. But what grabbed me was this : You can accomplish a lot more in small increments — even…

  • Bill Seitz agrees about the importance of smart-ascii as fundamental. He says the trick is finding a “style” of plaintext editing that can be rendered to a format that can then provide an outliner-ish view (collapsing hierarchies, etc.) (I’m pretty sure that can still just be HTML v4). And then Transclusion comes next… or an…

  • Channel 9 talks to David Ornstein, who’s a wiki guy inside Microsoft and creator of FlexWiki. Some interesting points on name-spaces, semantics, and the limits of wiki-popularity.

  • Bill Seitz : I think treating every page as an outline is a better direction to go I’m wondering what this means in the SdiDesk context. That every page should really be a tree, rather like an HTML or XML document? That the basic, underlying representation of pages is plain-text is a non-negotiable virtue…

  • My friend Scribe asked about outliners on I’m not an outliner person, I prefer freeform rhyzomes myself. But recently I find I’m starting to write a bit of an outliner as part of SdiDesk. I didn’t plan to. I was simply trying to nail some of the bugs in the code which renders the…

  • I know I said I wouldn’t talk about this kind of thing. But it does make me wonder. Whatever happened to Filofax? If they were smart they’d be all over this trend, hiring David Allen, putting ads on 43 Folders, buying Tasktoy etc. Or even, ahem, sponsoring SdiDesk 🙂 As it is, there isn’t the…

  • Toby Segaran thinking of setting up a wiki to support tasktoy.

  • Good (but only temporarily available) discussion on Web 2.0 stuff (wikis, blogs, RSS feeds etc.) and the way they challange and change business. The big surprise for me is this, quote from Philip Evans. One of the simplest arguments I’ve used to get people out of a traditional mindset is to point out a statistic…

  • Dave Winer’s Bootstrapping vision. He’s at it again.

  • is a forum dedicated to screen-casting. I put up my debugcast to get some feedback.