A Test of Mind Traffic Control

Today I managed to screw up my todo.txt file that I use with Mind Traffic Control. I had to recreate it from some backups that weren’t quite as up-to-date as I needed them to be. And I got a lot of duplication in the file. And obviously items that had been done are now back …

Mind Traffic Control is Dead!

Long live Mind Traffic Control! No New Year’s Resolutions or even questions this year. But as an honorary Brazilian, my new year doesn’t really start until after carnival, so now would be the time for it. However here’s a quick update. The answer to the old MTC question is now resolved for me. It’s time …

Prioritizing by Anxiety. I see what he’s getting at although I’m not entirely convinced. Obviously No Free Lunch tells us that no “prioritize-by-X” strategy could be appropriate to all circumstances. (Including the FIFO algorithm of Mind Traffic Control). Because of this, the less time wasted imagining you can specify priorities in advance, the better. Because …