A Question for Dave Winer

So, Dave has a nice template for showing essay-length writing. And naturally, the way things are evolving in 2015, it’s a “single-page web-app” which can pull in the actual content from another URL. Of course, I’d like to write essays using an outliner. And I’m using OWL which is really just the Concord editor that …


My software is more or less like Cthulhu. Normally dead and at the bottom of the sea, but occasionally stirring and throwing out a languid tentacle to drive men’s minds insane. (Or at least perturb a couple of more recklessly adventurous users.) However there’s been a bit more bubbling agitation down in R’lyeh recently. The …

Worth reading “Where’s your data?“ Remember, your Mind Traffic Control data is easily exportable. Just go to : http://mindtrafficcontrol.appspot.com/exports (Via the “Export Data” menu item) and choose whether you want your data exported in CSV format (which you can import into Excel or EditGrid etc.) or OPML (which can be read in the OPML Editor …