A Replacement for PHP

I asked Quora for ideas for how a replacement PHP might look. On the whole people are not enthusiastic. Alexander Tchitchigin had an interesting answer, but which focused on the basic theme of “once we move away from PHP’s weaknesses, we might as well use any language. Which prompted me to write this comment elaborating …

August is Patterning Month

August is Patterning month again. I’m back to work on the Patterning library. And, in particular, getting it working properly in the ClojureScript, in-browser version. I’m going to be using devcards, figwheel, spec and other good tools in the Clojure community. I’ll be revamping the site and new versions of the code. Watch this space …

Expression in Programming Languages

Source: My Quora Answer : If Clojure is so expressive, and is basically Lisp, hasn’t there been any progress in expressivity in the last 50 years? Well, as Paul Graham put it quite well, Lisp started as a kind of maths. That’s why it doesn’t go out of date. Or not in the short term. …

Could the internet disappear within 20 years?

From a Quora answer I just made : The protocol will still exist. But there is now a real danger that “the internet” will have been successfully enclosed by private corporations. What will that look like? the end of net neutrality means that the phone companies / network providers can choose to prioritise packets from …

Languages for 2018

Bit early. But I answered a question on Quora about languages to learn for 2018. Here’s what’s interesting me for 2018 : I want to continue getting more experienced and better with Clojure. No language is perfect, but for me Clojure is the best language I’ve ever used. And I want to use it for …