Where I’m At, March 2017

A quick update (for me, as much as anyone else) of where I’m at and what I’m currently thinking about … March 2017: ClojureScript and Reagent I want to get up to speed on this as my standard way of writing browser based software. React seems to have conquered the world as browser based, reactive …

Lisp is Not an Acceptable Lisp

Interesting to go back to Stevey’s Blog Rant from 2006. Quite perceptive … the ascendent Lisps today, at least the ones that have caught my attention, are Clojure and Racket. Neither of which really existed at the time he was writing (although Racket’s ancestor, Dr. Scheme did). Both of which do, indeed, have offered a …

Clojure Reader Conditionals

So Clojure is getting Reader Conditionals ie. a way to put Clojure / ClojureScript etc. variants into ordinary source files. It’s like .cljx files but without the separate pre-processor. Now the Clojure / ClojureScript compilers themselves will be able to pick out the variant of the code relevant to them. Most of Patterning’s core is …

Conceptual Refactoring : Project GeekWeaver

A few years ago I looked at some of the programs I was writing, both for public release and libraries / scripts for internal consumption, and realized that even I was confused. I needed a new map to understand what I was doing. Hence I came up with Project ThoughtStorms. A quick and dirty overview …

Welcome to 2015 (part 2)

Bloody hell! I just wrote a blog post and WordPress lost it. Grrrr … The short resume was : yes, I’m late (Feb) continuing my “Welcome to 2015” blog posts. last year I got the functional programming bug. Haskell is pretty damned good, but I’ve fallen for Clojure because a) dynamic types, b) Lisp syntax(lessness), …


Well that was surprisingly painless. I’m in the process of reorganizing the code for Patterning, my Clojure library that produces (visual) patterns. Patterning was built using Quil, which is a Clojure wrapper around Processing. But I wanted to be able to call the library directly from Processing itself (Java version). It seemed silly to create …